International flights: Airport check-in counter (Kitakyushu Airport)

Providing guidance and facility information for the airport check-in counter at Kitakyushu Airport.

Departure information

Flight Terminal Building 2F

Map of Kitakyushu Airport Flight Terminal Building

  • *
    Map is accurate as of the end of September 2018.

For the detailed map, see the Kitakyushu Airport official website.


Check-in at the Kitakyushu Airport 2F International Flight Check-in counters.

Check-in counter hours From 2 hours 30 minutes - 40 minutes prior to departure time
  • *
    Be sure to complete check-in at least 40 minutes prior to departure time.

Arrival information

Use the Kitakyushu Airport 1F International Flight Arrival exit.

Operating hours of Kitakyushu Airport Terminal Building

Kitakyushu Airport Terminal Building 4:30 (1 hour before the first departure) - 25:15 (30 minutes after the final arrival)

Reserve flight

1(Age 12+)
0(Age 3-11)
0(Age 0-2)
  • *
    Seat availability and fare prices shown may differ based on the number of people you enter in your search.

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Change/confirm reservations

Customers with a ticket reservation

Customers who have completed their reservations can view the details of their reservations from the following list of reservations, and can change or cancel a seat reservation.

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Check the Flight Status

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