International Flights: Guidance on Ticket Refunds

We will refund the cost of flight tickets and reservation tickets upon your request.

  • Refunds require a reservation number and ticket number or the credit card used to purchase the ticket.
  • A set transaction fee will be charged upon giving a refund.

Refund Period

We accept requests for a refund within 30 days from the expiration date of the ticket’s period of validity.

  • *
    If the refund period has expired, it will not be possible to give a refund.

Where and How to Claim a Refund

Where and how a refund is given varies depending on where and how the purchase was made.

Please select where and how you purchased your ticket.

Refund Location -
Refund Method -

We accept the following locations and methods.

Refund Location
  • Star Flyer website, smartphone website *1
  • SF CALL CENTER (For International Flight Reservation and Information)
Refund Method

We will refund you through your credit card company from which you purchased your ticket.

The number of days until a refund is given depends on the date of when the refund procedure is carried out and the timing of the credit card company's deadline and when they process the refund. For more information, contact your credit card company.

  • *1
    We only accept refunds for tickets purchased on the Star Flyer website, smartphone website, or SF CALL CENTER (For International Flight Reservation and Information).

We accept the following locations and methods.

Refund Location SF CALL CENTER (For International Flight Reservation and Information)
Refund Method

We will refund you by way of a bank transfer.

  • Bank transfers may only be made to an account under the passenger’s name.
  • The bank transfer fee will be borne by the passenger.
  • After the refund procedure has been completed, we will refund the money to the specified account within 10 days to 2 weeks. This does not apply if a large number of flights are canceled due to a system failure of a financial institution or bad weather, etc.

We accept the following locations and methods.

Refund Location
  • Star Flyer website, smartphone website *1
  • SF CALL CENTER (For International Flight Reservation and Information)
Refund Method

We will refund you through your credit card company from which you purchased your ticket.

The number of days until a refund is given depends on the date of when the refund procedure is carried out and the timing of the credit card company's deadline and when they process the refund. For more information, contact your credit card company.

  • *1
    We only accept refunds for tickets purchased on the Star Flyer website, smartphone website, or SF CALL CENTER (For International Flight Reservation and Information).

We accept the following locations and methods.

Refund Location SF CALL CENTER (For International Flight Reservation and Information)
Refund Method

We will refund you by way of a bank transfer.

  • Bank transfers may only be made to an account under the passenger’s name.
  • The bank transfer fee will be borne by the passenger.
  • After the refund procedure has been completed, we will refund the money to the specified account within 10 days to 2 weeks. This does not apply if a large number of flights are canceled due to a system failure of a financial institution or bad weather, etc.
Refunds for tickets purchased at a travel agency are accepted at the store at which you made the purchase.

Cancellation charge

As of August 2018

Fare Types From after purchasing the ticket
until the departure time
At or after the departure time
STAR UNIVERSE Equivalent to about 10% of fare Equivalent to about 30% of fare
STAR PLANET Equivalent to about 30% of fare Equivalent to about 50% of fare
STAR COMET Refund is not possible Refund is not possible
  • *International flight fares require a separate International Flight Passenger Facility Charge and Passenger Security Service Fee.
    • Information on “International Flight Passenger Facility Charge” and “Passenger Security Service Charge” See

      Information on the Passenger Service Facility Charge (PSFC) and Passenger Security Service Charge (PSSC)

      The following international flight terminal buildings require a Passenger Service Facility Charge and Passenger Security Service Charge. These charges are included with the airfare paid when you purchase a ticket to one of the destination airports and which the airline pays the airport operator.

      Airport Class Price
      Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (Taipei) PSFC International flight departure Adult TWD 500
      Child TWD 500
      Chubu Centrair International Airport (Nagoya) PSFC International flight departure Adult JPY 2,620
      Child JPY 1,310
      PSSC*2 International flight departure Adult JPY 350
      Kitakyushu Airport PSFC International flight departure Adult JPY 320
      Child *1 JPY 150

      Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (Taipei) (International flight departure)

      Class Price
      PSFC Adult TWD 500
      Child TWD 500

      Chubu Centrair International Airport (Nagoya) (International flight departure)

      Class Price
      PSFC Adult JPY 2,620
      Child JPY 1,310
      PSSC*2 Adult JPY 350

      Kitakyushu Airport (International flight departure)

      Class Price
      PSFC Adult JPY 320
      Child *1 JPY 150
      • *1
        The price applied to an infant who will have a seat is the same for a child.
      • *2
        Prices apply to passengers boarding on or after September 1, 2019. However, these prices are limited to ticketed customers on or after June 1, 2019.
      Airport Building Guide

Reserve flight

1(Age 12+)
0(Age 3-11)
0(Age 0-2)
  • *
    Seat availability and fare prices shown may differ based on the number of people you enter in your search.

Click here for Japan domestic flights

Change/confirm reservations

Customers with a ticket reservation

Customers who have completed their reservations can view the details of their reservations from the following list of reservations, and can change or cancel a seat reservation.

Click here for Japan domestic flights

Check the Flight Status

Click here for Japan domestic flights