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“WANDER-LAND” Deeper Tokyo
老舗人情食堂、静寂の純喫茶、50円焼き鳥屋、幻のビヤホール、立ち飲み遊園地、伝説の激渋酒場…知られざるTOKYOの魔界を逍遥するSPECIAL番組。No Wi-Fi、No Omotenashi 、No Credit Card
Japan is a country with an unapparelled diversity of attractions.
However, the most popular spots with overseas visitors are all incredibly crowded.All wonderful places to enjoy and take plenty of memorable photos, but that alone is Mottainai! (wasteful).With rapid redevelopment and globalization, “Good old Japan” is disappearing at an alarming speed.
It’s now or never to explore the hidden wonderland the media overlooks!